Ilona Tylevna

Ilona Tylevna graduated with honors from "Naukova Zmina", one of Ukraine's leading Lyceums in Kyiv, specializing in STEM subjects. 

Her journey in academic competitions began early, participating in various Maths and Informatics olympiads and contests since elementary school. 

In the 9th year of school Ilona started doing research in applied mathematics, the essence of which was to renovate old and non-optimal districts of cities in Ukraine using mathematical (mainly geometrical)  methods. A turning point in her journey was winning the regional stage of the All-Ukrainian research competition of the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (JASU).

Ilona has represented Ukraine in international competitions and exhibitions across Croatia (INOVA-2022), Taiwan (KIDE-2022), and Switzerland (Geneva Inventions Show 2023). During the final schoolyear, she achieved a first place in the Computer Science section of the All-Ukrainian research competition of the JASU with her project utilizing AI for validation of mathematical notations. Ilona earned her recognition as the top young scientist in Ukraine, allowing her to participate in the EU Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS 2023) in Brussels, where she showcased her research on an international platform.

Currently, Ilona Tylevna is pursuing her Bachelor's degree in Mathematics at the University of Vienna.

In April 2024, Ilona was awarded the IV-STEM Scholarship for high potentials from Ukraine. As part of this program, she will lead a course on AI for high school students in Vienna.